Tuesday, November 12, 2013

girls night.

I'm sorry I've basically fallen off the social media planet {except, clearly, for twitter... twitter and I have become good friends in the last couple weeks. blame it on Kayla!} It's not that I haven't done anything worth blogging/instagraming/facebooking about- it's just that I've also done more homework in the last week then I did during my entire senior year of high school. Welcome to college, right?? I really shouldn't complain because I'm in easy classes compared to a couple years down the road, but I'm just going to keep the excuse for now (:

Well folks! College is amazing. yes. absolutely amazing. From Bonfires to Barbecues to Teaching Relief Society to Watching Ultimate Frisbee to Random Sing Alongs to... GIRLS NIGHTS! Everything is amazing. Even staying in the library until midnight isn't too bad, especially when you go with a friend {Cady... I'm glad we make deals with ourselves to get us to write our papers...}

You see, last week was long. and crazy, crazy busy. How many papers did I have to write?? So at the end of the week we decided to put together a girls night with the hall and it was most definitely a success (:

Nail painting, face masks, sparkling cider, crazy dance party/sing-a-longs, and of course a good romantic comedy {we are 18 year old teenage girls after all...}

College has taught me a few things... first and foremost, it's taught me that I really am awful at replying to texts. and social media is taking a back-burner. and on a more serious note, it's teaching me that friends are made where you least expect them. I came to college thinking I would never have friends as close as the girls from high school and I'm starting to realize that, even though it's different, these girls that I just met weeks ago are becoming amazing friends. It's unbelievable how fast you become good friends with someone. It's so fun to talk about where we're living next year, and what our life plans are, and our beliefs. I still miss my high school friends like crazy, and I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving, but this place has becoming my home! Even if I have to shower with flip flops on, I can't think of anywhere that I'm more comfortable to be at. So, thank you for you girls that make BYU so special (:

I am just so grateful to be here! I knew I would love BYU, but not this much! The people that I've met have made me want to be better. They've strengthened my testimony, been great examples, and shown amazingly true friendship! Every person you meet is in your life for a reason, and boy can I tell you how much I love getting to know every person! Overall, I guess this long rant can be summed into me saying that I could not ask for anything better than the opportunity to attend a college where the standards are so high, the people are so awesome, and the classes and professors are so great!

In other news, this week marks Zach's 3/4th mark of his mission! He's been gone for 18 months and will be back in just 6 more! I can't even tell you how excited I am to be at college with him next year {seriously though!}

And lastly, can we talk about the fact that I'm writing my final paper in humanities on The Great Gatsby? {at least, that's the plan} So, I'm going to have to re-read my favorite book FOR A CLASS. bummer *sarcasm* And that's about it! ...more or less that is.

I have pictures from the last week, I really do! But I'd rather just go to bed, so adios! I'm sorry I've become a blogging slacker, it just hasn't been my top priority!

Erica Michelle

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